Monday, December 22, 2008

Whew! It's Over!

So this post is just a little late, but that is ok. On December 12th I was able to graduate! I graduated in Professional Preschool. I love it so much and I already miss being with the kids all the time. Here are just a few pictures of family, friends, and teachers.

I have gotten the opportunity to meet so many neat people through these past few semesters. They have each taught me so much, I am going to miss being with them every day. I have also had a lot of support from my family and appreciate them!

Now just a little update on what is going with Alex and me. Out last day of school was on December 12th. Alex's job told him to not come back until January 6th since there wasn't enough work at the shop. (He works at a cabinet shop) So we have had a lot of time together and have been really enjoying it. Alex was not supposed to go back to school until Summer, so he was looking job and so was I. Then in a crazy turn of events, and I mean crazy, Alex is now going back to school in the Winter. This Christmas we get to talk to Alex's brother Mitch. He is on his mission in South Africa. It will be really neat to talk to him. Some of the language that he speaks is the clicking language.

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Congrats on graduating! That is so wonderful. My little Sheila's all grown up *sniff*. Have a wonderful Christmas time, and stay out of trouble. PS--when you talk to Mitch, here's a good phrase in Lhosa (the clicking language, said *click* HOSA): n-day-aug-oo-TAN-da. It means "I love you."