Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Ate the Cake!

So we had a really good Christmas...we got to talk to Mitch on Christmas Eve and then we spent most of Christmas at my parent's house. We did get to go see some of Alex's family on Christmas as well so it worked out really good. It was our one year anniversary on January 4th! It has been a year already ... so fast! We went down to Idaho Falls for the weekend so it was really nice to relax before Alex has to go back to school. Here is a picture of the Temple from our hotel.

We went and saw the Joseph Smith video at the Visitor's Center. Alex had never seen because it came out while he was on his mission, then when we tried to see it, the Visitor's Center was being remodeled. Alex really liked it and I liked seeing it again. Then we took a few pictures outside the temple.

My mom had kept the top of our cake so of course we had to eat it! It actually wasn't too bad. My mom wrapped it up pretty good so it wasn't freezer burnt or anything. Alex's grandma had made the cake and it was delicious!


Alesha said...

Congrats on the anniversary! That's so excited. I still can't believe that my little Shila is so old. I guess you're only a year younger than me, though, so I shouldn't be surprised. Anyway, thanks for keeping us updated, and enjoy the coming year!

Ellen Davenport said...

Shila, I love it! We are planning on eating ours too. I really do think the key is keeping it wrapped up tight, I'm glad to hear it worked for you guys.
Sorry we didn't get to see you guys while we were in town, we were sick most of the time.

Blecca and R Home said...

congrats! that's so wonderful! Blair and I didn't even get the opportunity to try and save the cake. My friends and family had it all eaten by the time we got back from our honeymoon!

Sean & Meagan said...

Oh my goodness! That's so crazy it's been a year! Happy 12 days late anniversary! I'm so excited for you!

Vickers said...

Hey there. You two are too cute, and happy late anniversary.