Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where Dreams Come True...

So about a month ago Alex and me were at my parent's house with all of my family (mom and dad, britt and her husband, and my brother). They told us all that they were going to take us to Disneyland, all expenses paid!!! Alex and me were sooooooo excited. We left on Friday Feb 6th and came back on Wednesday Feb 11th. We drove down to my Aunt's house in Utah on Friday, then drove down to California on Saturday. We spent Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at Disneyland. Then on Wednesday we drove ALL the way home. It was a very very very long drive, but very worth it. It was so great to be with all of my family! The weather was not as hot as I would of liked it, but it kept alot of people out of the park. On Sunday and Monday it rained off and on, then Tuesday was the nicest day and it probably only got up to about 65 degrees. So most of the pictures are from Tuesday because no one wanted to take pictures in the rain.

You've gotta love Goofy!

There are different sections of the park. These next pictures are from Toon Town. I seriously want to live here! Everythig is made to look like a cartoon. It is soooo cool. And I don't know what is up with Alex's and mine faces in the last picture, but what can ya do?

This next picture is the veiw from Tarzan's Treehouse.

The park also had a couple of playground type things. You could rock climb, do a zipline, or climb in this nets.

One all of our favorite rides was the Toy Story 3-D ride. You had to wear these special glasses, then you would get in the car that had a gun on it. When the ride started you went through this building that had huge tv screen in them. The screens had targets on them that you would shoot your gun at. You gained points from hitting the targets then you could compare scores with your group.

The trip was soooooo much fun and there are so many more pictures and fun things that happened, but I have to stop somewhere. I am so grateful to my parents for taking all of us and paying for everything!!! It was so much fun and we made some great memories!!!


Cara Dickerson said...

Hey Shila! I haven't talked to you in a while. That's awesome that you guys got to go to Disneyland! We've been trying to figure out a plan to go this summer, 'cause I've never been. It looks awesome! And you're hair is shorter!! It looks cute. By the way, that picture with the crazy faces is pretty funny! ;)

Ellen Davenport said...

I can't even say how jealous I am! You guys are so lucky that your parents took you.

We need to go to out on a double again. We'll be in town at the end of March. Maybe then.

Sean & Meagan said...

That's so so wonderful! Oh my goodness I'm pretty much jealous that you went! I bet it was a blast! I hope you had fun for the rest of us! Love you girl! I need to meet up with you when I come back. I miss you!

Ryan and Brittany said...

It was so good to see you too!! Don't worry about being rushed.. I know how that is:) How are ya? I can't believe you got to go to Disneyland. I am so jealous!!! What have you been up to now that you are done with preschool?

Ryan and Brittany said...

Wow a Montessori school.. good for you... I thought you had to have a bachelors. Yes I am loving the head teacher job but we are moving to Georgia come April but it really is the best job! You should stop by and see Megan and I some time:)

Jenn said...

Shila I just blogstalked you from Hattie's blog...hope that's okay!! :) Disneyland looks so fun, I wish it were 65 degrees here, even with the rain! haha What have you been doing since you've been done with preschool?

Jenni Skalla