Monday, May 11, 2009

It's About Time!

So we finally had an eventful weekend after what has seemed lifetime! Yes we have done something here or something there every now and again, but we finally had a fun packed weekend!

After school and work on Friday Alex finished up some homework before we started our weekend. We decided that it was time that we went together, just the two of us for a little get away. Since we live where we work it is hard to have time just to ourselves so we decided to spend Friday night in Jackson where we went on our honeymoon. We were able to stay at the same bed and breakfast that we stayed at on our honeymoon as well. It was sooooo much fun to go back, relax, and walk around all the shops.

We also walked around this little labyrinth at St. John's I think hospital. We timed it and it took 4 minutes and 15 seconds to walk around all the corners and all the way around it.

Of course we had to take pictures by the famous antler arches that are on the outside of the park.

We headed back to Ashton (where Alex's parent's live) on Saturday afternoon. We got a new tent that goes in the back of our Avalanche so we set that up. (It took us like an hour and a half to set it up. It was crazy!)

Then one of Alex's friends got married so we went to his reception and then we went and played poker at another friend's house after that. We spent the next night in Alex's parents house because on Sunday morning Mitch, Alex's brother, called from his mission in South Africa for Mother's Day. It took us almost an hour to get a hold of him because the number that he gave us didn't work, but we finally got a hold of him and got to talk to him for a while. After we were done in Ashton we went down to my parent's house in Shelley to visit my mom for Mother's Day and eat dinner. A lot of my family was there and it was fun to visit with all of them.

So it was a very eventful weekend and I loved it!!! I think things will start to pick up now that summer is here...kinda. We are planning a camping trip with my family to go out to these ghost towns some where out by something. So we are really excited!

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