Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Month of Adventures

So I tried writing this ginormous post last night and when I was almost all done it disappeared! So needless to say I was very frustrated.. so here I am trying this again, but this is going to be the very very condensed version.

My brother had a rodeo down in Panguitch, Utah that I went to. It was a week long rodeo and it was tons of fun! We went to most of the morning and night rodeos so we didn't have a lot of free time, but we did manage to go to Cedar Breaks National Park. While I was having fun Alex was finishing his last week of school. This was our first time apart since we got married so it was sad, but I guess there is a first for everything.

Alex and me went with my brother, sister, and brother-in-law down to Utah one weekend. We went to Hill's Air Force Base, Lagoon, and Timpanogos Cave. My sister has most of these pictures so here are just a couple that I have of the Air Force Base.

This is a B-19 Bomber wheel, pretty big uh!

I had my b-day and Alex surprised me with nice night together, nice dinner, and even a chick flick!

We went camping with Alex's family and ended up having to come home a little early. Alex's brother brought his motorcycle and every one was trying it out and riding it. So it was my turn to try, but it was too big for me to get started. Alex pushed me to get started and when he let go I lost control and went barreling into the trees. I couldn't stop until a tree stopped me. So I ended up going to the hospital. Luckily nothing was broken. I had hit the handle bars when I crashed and hit my chest really hard. I also smushed my pinky and leg, but I don't know how that happened. So I don't have a picture of my chest for obvious reasons, but here is my leg and hand.

My pinky took the blunt of it on my hand, but I had a few scratches on my other fingers

My leg was still swollen in this picture, so don't make fun of my fat leg :)

Alex and I braved camping with my family the next weekend. We went to Mackay and Challis to see the Ghost towns there. They were so neat! We are going to make it a tradition to go every year because there is so much to see and we didn't even see it all.

This is the Dredge. They used it to mine gold in the river. It was huge, five stories tall! Even back then they mined over 2 million dollars with it!

An update for what is going on now is that Alex is on 7 week break so he is working around the complex. He took the GMAT this week and he did great! We will get his official score hopefully soon, then we can start to apply to grad schools. I am so proud of him! He will be going back to school in a couple weeks. I started school at the elementary school last week and it has been a crazy beginning, but it is getting smoother and smoother. I am still nannying for the family a couple hours a day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.


Cara Dickerson said...

Wow Sheela! Sounds like tons of fun! Although, I can't believe your battle wounds. That leg is intense. At least nothing is broken! Good to hear what's going on with you guys! Tell Alex congrats on the GMAT! Tad's taking his in October, so we'll see how his goes. Good luck!

Alesha said...

Party on, Sheila! Man, you sure ban*ed yourself up on that motorbike--I'm glad you're not dead. You should totally take your travels down here to Twin and see me...just sayin'.

Chad and Elizabeth said...

No more too big motorcycle rides for you, promise? Glad to see so many fun things you've been up to! Can't wait to all get together sometime!

Blecca and R Home said...

you were in my old stomping grounds! we have a cabin up Yankee Fork, and I used to work up as Custer when I was a little girl!

Ellen Davenport said...

Oh my goodness Shila! I'm so glad you're okay!

Hattie Blaser said...

You went to my hometown! I recognized all of the pictures on the mine hill. Crazy! When you saw the dredge did you go to Custer too? We went there all the time on field trips.