Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Whole Bunch of Stuff

Alex and I got off for Christmas Break at the same time from school. We really enjoyed the two weeks that we had together!

We had a great Christmas and we were able to visit both our families. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my family and spent Christmas Day with Alex's family. We made sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, went snowmobiling, and of course wore our Christmas jammies!

After Christmas Alex and I went on an early Anniversary trip to Boise. It was so nice to be away from everything and just be with each other. The first day we spent pretty much at the mall. It is a really big mall and I even hurried! We also went to the movies that night. On the second day we went to the Zoo which we were really excited about. It is open year round, but they fail to tell you that most of the animals are not out! So we saw some really funny monkeys, the tigers, hyenas (which look really scary), and some fat bob cats. Then we went and walked around the Boise Temple. I have seen pictures and they really don't do it justice. It is such a pretty temple! We also went to the BSU campus since that is one of the schools that Alex has applied to. We walked around and looked at the buildings and campus.

So our real Anniversary was yesterday. We did some check in's, went out to dinner, and did our grocery shopping! It has been a great two years, we have learned a lot about each other and how to communicate with each other. I can't hide anything from him, he always knows how I feel even when I try hard to hide it. He has taught me so much, helped me to grow, and he loves me unconditionally which has really taught me the way Heavenly Father loves me. I love him more and more each day and I am so glad that we have forever with each other!

Now that the semester is back in I am back to work and Alex is actually doing his internship. He is working at a local accountant business and is really enjoying it so far. After this semester Alex only has one more then he will graduate! I can't believe it is coming up so soon. As of right now we don't know where we will be after this, but we hope to find out soon.


Ellen Davenport said...

First, I love your header picture- but you look amazing in all your pictures.

Glad you went to the zoo here. Sorry that the animals weren't all out. Funny story about those bobcats, when we went they tried to spray us! Eek!

Like the BSU campus? I again encourage you guys to come here! Up to you though. Choose wisely.

Alex, congrats and good luck with your internship!

Alesha said...

Happy anniversary! I still can't believe my little Sheila is married...*sniff, sniff*. It sounds like a fun vacation. Have fun back at work, and I hope Alex enjoys his internship!