Thursday, January 13, 2011

Okay Okay

So this not having internet thing really does kinda stink! We have been good and have been staying really really busy. Alex is currently on break from school until Monday. Then he starts his almost last semester! (He will have half a semester after this one then he is done!) He has taken the first part of the CPA exam and passed! (He really actually kicked it's trash) And he just took the second part and will find out in February if he passed. (Cross your fingers) Alex has also had two interviews with the same firm back in Idaho Falls. We really like the firm and hopefully we will be getting a solid offer soon. Ya! We will be able to move home! I am staying busy with the kids or really the kids are keeping me busy. They have so much energy all the time I don't know how they do it. Since it has been so long here are just a few things that we have done when we aren't at work or school.

So when my brother and I were younger we would get up on Saturday mornings and make crepes. Well, I hadn't had them for a really long time so Alex and I decided one Saturday it was time to bust them out again.

While we ate our delicious crepes we looked outside to this. The first snow of the season.

We went to the Old State Penitentiary. It was sooooooo cool. We would totally go back there and look at everything again.

Christmas was awesome! I was pleasantly surprised when my work told me that I had the Thursday and Friday off before Christmas and then the whole week off before Christmas. We were able to go home for a long time and not feel so rushed. It was really nice. We also got to talk to my brother Jordan! He is serving a mission in Fort worth Texas. He is really loving it.

Zoey loves the new bed that we got for her!

This Alex's favorite present! My sister made Zoey a little tutu that said "Daddy's Little Girl" on it. (No really he HATES dog clothes, but I think he did like it a little)

We had our three year anniversary! Ellen and Stodd came over to our apartment to dog sit Zoey while Alex and I stayed at this fancy hotel downtown for the night. It was nice to relax together. It really felt like we were on a vacation. I love being married to Alex so much. He is sooooo amazing! (Especially for putting up with my crazyness!)

1 comment:

Cara Dickerson said...

Wow the crepes look delicious! I want some now! I can't believe you two were in jail, what a life huh?! Hehehehe! Congrats on being so close to being done! I hope life is going good! I miss seeing you guys at Walmart all the time! Hopefully you'll get that job in IF, that would be perfect for you two. I don't know if we'll still be here when you guys move back, but good luck in everything. If we are, we should have lunch or something!! Miss you!