Monday, June 20, 2011

The Zoo

We were bound and determined to go and see the animals at the zoo. We went to the zoo when we came on our anniversary, but since that is in January and really cold, like none of the animals were out. So we were way excited when we were actually able to see the animals this time.

Alex got into a fight, he totally won.

I loved this bear thing, he made me laugh for like an hour.

I can hear really good now.

These were new animals to the zoo. I stalked the maned wolf for a while so that I could get a picture of him.


Sean & Meagan said...

I seriously started laughing at that bear thing before I even read your comment. He looks awesome! You guys are going on so many adventures! I am so glad that you are sharing them! I miss you Shila! Like-A LOT! I hope we get to see each other soon and have some adventures together!

Ellen Davenport said...

Jealous! We weren't able to make it again before we left. It is a great little zoo, isn't it!