Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yep, We are still here!

Wow things have so busy and crazy around here. Who would of thought that we would be so busy. Well, here is a short and brief update on how our summer has been back home:

Lots of camping as usual. Only this year we bought a camper! So awesome! It goes in the back of the truck. You can see it in the top corner of this picture.
It was my birthday! Alex made my amazing Harry Potter birthday cake! We were watching all the Harry Potters getting all geared up to watch the last one so obviously I wanted Alex to make me a Harry Potter birthday cake and it was Amazing!

We had Alex's Graduation Party! He worked so hard and graduated with his Masters in Accounting. He is so smart and I think actually got a 4.0 . . . ya he is smarty pants! (Zoey is trying to lick me in the face in this picture ha ha)
I made BSU colored Cake Pops for the party of course. They were so fun, but really sweet.

I ran my first 5K. It was so fun. I also did an Adventure 3K that was the best ever! There were all of these obstacles and stuff you had to go through. I have a very long long term goal of running a marathon. I think that would be awesome.

Alex is still loving his job and enjoying the people that he works with. They are so family oriented and family definitely comes first with them. I got a job too. I am teaching preschool surprise surprise, but I really loving it. The kids I work with are so sweet. We are loving being moved back home and being with family this is where we are supposed to be.

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