Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lots of Fun!

We went down to Arizona this past weekend. We were able to visit my grandparents and Alex's brother and wife. We mostly drove around to see Arizona and went to stores that we don't have here. We also went to a skydiving school. We got to see them jump out planes and land. Then we went to the wind tunnel where they practice. We were there for a couple hours. Some came in really fast and then you could tell the others that were still new.

Here is my next belly pic. We went to the doctor this past weekend and all is well. The heart beats are going strong!

We bought a house! We closed on it this past Friday. We have been looking for quite a while and things finally just clicked. We will be moving in this coming weekend. We are so excited! Once we move in I will get pictures of the inside and an outside of it finished.

The night we closed we got Article Circle to go and ate dinner in our dinning room on the floor. Then we brought the laptop and watched a movie on the floor in the living room. It was the best date night!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I'm so happy for you guys and the new house! You are looking so good and you make a very cute pregnant lady! :)