Saturday, September 8, 2012


Surprise is kind of an understatement, but we are so happy to say Charlotte and Hudson are here!

I don't have pictures at this point because I am writing this on my IPad and can't figure out how to get pictures on here. I wanted to write their story before I forgot too many of the details. So, pictures are to come!

I was going in for weekly appointments with my Doctor. On Monday August 13th I went to my routine appointment. Everything looked great. I wasn't dilated or thinned. One week late on the 20th he said I was 1cm dilated and 90% thinned. This being my first pregnancy went home with no worries. Alex happened to come home early and I told him about my appointment. It then clicked with me. I am 90% thinned! I then called my doctor and asked if I should still be working. He said in an ideal world no and that I should be on semibed rest. I called my boss and told her that I would no longer be working. Both Alex and I figured I would go on rest and the babies would be here in a few weeks. The babies had their own plan....

THAT NIGHT on August 21, 2012

2:00am my water broke or I guessed it had, but wasn't sure. Contractions start.
3:00am we decided yes it had and should go to the hospital
3:15am arrive at the hospital, get settled in
6:00am get epidural, dilated to a 5, feel awesome and fall asleep
7:15am nurse wakes me up, dilated to a 10, it is baby time!
7:20am get wheeled to the OR (in case of emergency c-section) and start pushing

7:46am CHARLOTTE ROSE IS BORN 4lbs 3oz 18in

In the mean time keep pushing

7:57am HUDSON CARL IS BORN 4lbs 8oz 17 in

It was amazing! They were able to put them each on my stomach while Alex cut their cords. They were then immediately taken to be checked and put in the NICU. Good news was that there was nothing major wrong with them. Just normal developmental things since they were 7 weeks early. To get out of the NICU they have to be able to do four things...
1. Control their own body temp
2. Breath on their own
3. Eat on their own
4. Do the above three things while still gaining weight

As of today after 18 days in the NICU Charlotte can do all four and will be coming home tomorrow! Hudson can do all of them except breath on his own. We are doing a trial today without oxygen and if it goes well he will come home tomorrow too! The reason Hudson has had a harder time coming off is because he has VSD. This is basically little holes in his heart in the middle of the chambers. His oxygen is being mixed between the deoxygenated blood and the oxygenated blood. They are doing an echo of his heart right now and it will hopefully tell us that the holes are closing. Things are going really good. We feel so blessed for how they have been doing. There are so many babies here that are so sick and will not be able to go home for much longer. We are excited to get them home and start our lives together!


Heiners said...

That is such great news! I am so happy to hear how great they are doing. Miss and love you guys!

Tina Crowther said...

Wow! You're such a trooper! I'm happy for you and so glad they're doing well... Congratulations!

Ellen Davenport said...

Oh my gosh! I am so happy to hear more. I was going to call you, but know that you have your hands full recovering and tending to the babies at the nicu.
I am so happy you'll get to bring Charlotte, and hopefully Hudson home soon! Soo happy for you guys!

Michael and Rebecca Bates said...

How exciting! I have been waiting to hear when they would actually arrive! Glad to hear things are going well! Oh and I can't wait to see pictures!!