Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Two Months

That's right the babies are two months old. I can't believe it! It seems so long ago they were born, but not so long at the same time. Alex and I love them so much, and they have both brought so much joy into our home.

 Charlotte is our dainty girl she ...
- can sleep through the night
- loves to look around and see what there is to see
- hates tummy time!
- holds her head up
- looks to see where noise is coming from
- is just plain happy!

Hudson is our chunky monkey he ...
- is still a cuddle bug
- adores his food!
- is working on sleeping through the night
- likes to stare at our picture of the temple
- can hold his head up really good!
- loves warm baths

Zoey is still getting used to them. They do take most of our attention, but we try to share the love with her. She really is a great big sis!

I love to cuddle with the babies.

Alex likes to play with them.

Hudson has a herniated umbilical cord. The doc said they will watch it for 1 to 2 years. It isn't a big deal, just looks kinda funny and feels weird! It has at least doubled in size since this picture.

Lottie had wet clothes one night and I was like "What the heck how did she get wet?" I then realized she had peed. When I went to change her clothes this is what I found. Guess who had put this diaper on you Alex!


Ellen Davenport said...

They are perfectly precious. Charlotte is totally dainty, in that first picture.

I love hearing the ways they are different. Harrison is really a pound or two heavier than Charlotte

Yay for them starting to sleep through the night.

Oh my gosh that picture of zoey and the babies is so funny and so cute.

And, your baby changing pad is super cute.

Sean & Meagan said...

Can't believe that I haven't been looking at this more often! They are so wonderful! In one of the pictures, Hudson looks just like Alex! It made me laugh! They are still so tiny! I know you are loving every minute! Those little gems are so precious! I also loved that picture with Zoe and the babies! Give them big hugs and squishies from Aunt Meeagan! :) Love you all!