Friday, January 11, 2013

Firsts and Randomness

To kick off the new year Alex and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! Alex's parents came down and babysat the babes for us. We went to Chili's then to Walmart for diapers (got to be practical) and ice cream. Then we stayed up and watched the newest Batman. So many new and exciting things have happened since our last anniversary. It has been a great year and we feel so blessed!

 I had little Miss Lottie dressed up the other day and she looked so cute I couldn't resist taking some pictures of her.

Just playing on the play mat. She loves looking at everything!

This is her first mo-hawk! Pretty thin, but still there and so cute. 

This Chunky Monkey is loving the new jungle gym they got for Christmas.

Not posed at all he just loves his monkey!

This guy rolled over for the first time a few days ago! Of course he wouldn't do it when I had the video camera on him.

Their favorite way to do tummy time is when I lay on my back, bend my legs up, then they lay on my legs.

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