Tuesday, November 5, 2013


It has been quite the crazy last few weeks. Alex was gone to hunting camp for a week, the babies were first sick with the stomach bug that was going around, day light savings time threw all of us off, we watched my sister's kids when she had her baby, now we all have colds. (My sister's baby is Clark and he is so cute!)

I like to call Halloween this year the Halloween of barfing, blowouts, and bawling because that was exactly how it went. Needless to say we did not celebrate it on actual Halloween. The next day however we had had a party planned for a while and the kids were well enough for us to still have it. We had my sister and her family, my parents, and my brother over for yummy food and a spooky movie. We dressed the kids up in their costumes for the party. I made Hudson's outfit and I made Lottie's bow and tutu.

Our little Peacock and Blue Bird.

1 comment:

Ellen Davenport said...

Cutest birdies ever! Awesome job with the costumes crafty mama! They are getting so big! I love Lottie's smile! Glad you guys are starting to get feeling better!