Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The End of an Era

This post is all about me pumping, pumping, pumping. It will probably contain more info than most people want to know, so proceed at your own risk :)

I knew when I got pregnant that I wanted to nurse. I was pretty set on it and ready to get going with it when the babies got here. Since the babies were in the NICU and had issues with the suck, swallow, breath reflex I started pumping to establish my milk. I pumped 8 times a day and through the night. The hospital also recommended putting the babies on a high calorie formula twice a day to help them gain weight since they were preemies. Alex and I happily agreed since it would help them grow. When the babies were ready to start trying to nurse I would nurse each and then pump after. We never really knew how much the babies were actually getting when they nursed, but a full feed was considered 10 minutes. If they didn't nurse that long then they were fed through their tubes accordingly. During their time in the NICU I was there first thing in the morning and didn't leave until after the 6:00 feed. Since we weren't there through the night the nurses would attempt bottles and I would pump at home and bring the milk I got the next day. 

In order for the babies to go home one of the criterias for them was to eat on their own for a certain time period. Once we were fairly sure they could nurse full feeds Alex and I spent two nights at the hospital so I could nurse through the night. They did it and we were able to take them home. Being home was a whole new ball game. Since I nursed both, sometimes gave them bottle of breast milk according to how long they nursed,  and then pumped it took about an hour and a half per feeding. So that meant only about an hour of sleep in between feedings. I was a new mom... to twins. I was tired. I was stressed. I was so worried that I wasn't going to produce enough milk and then in turn my babies wouldn't gain weight. I was freaked out! I was constantly concerned they weren't eating enough and that my supply would dwindle. I was always so relieved for the formula feeds since I knew exactly what they were getting. I couldn't handle it anymore after a week of them being home. I decided that exclusively pumping was what I was going to do. 

I already had a stock up of milk so I would take out what I needed for the next day and freeze what I pumped. In the beginning I would feed each baby separate and then pump. Once I was comfortable with how well they were eating I would put one on each side of me in a boppy and feed them at the same time, then pump. Then I discovered they make pumping bras, but I didn't want to spend $30 on one, so I made my own. I got a $10 sports bra and cut in two holes. This changed my life. I could now feed both kids and pump at the same time.

My goal was to get enough of a surplus that I could continue feeding the babies my milk through their first birthday. I figured by July 1st I could start winding my pumping down and be done. I made it! Let me tell you it was a welcome day! Pumping was a love hate relationship for me. I loved knowing I was giving my babies the nourishment they needed and honestly formula feeding two babies was not going to work for us financially. But pumping is a huge commitment. You have to carry your pump with you at all times. For me mine was a beast! I rented it from the hospital and our insurance paid for the rental.

I pumped every where. In the car, at the mall, camping. You name it, I have probably pumped there ha ha. Once the kids started getting more mobile pumping while feeding them got harder and harder. They would kick the bottles or pull the lines. Anyway, I was ready to be done when I got my supply. Which I did and I am officially done pumping! The pump is going back tomorrow.

The Stash

A little bit of this...

But mostly this...


Tina Crowther said...

You are amazing!!! I HATE pumping, with a very strong passion! I'm so proud of you for doing that! Nice work! And, I'm so happy for you to be done!!!

Alesha said...

That is quite impressive, my friend! I did the sports bra-turned-pump holder too, which was great. I only nursed my kids for 3-4 months, and that was hard enough.

Ellen Davenport said...

I am so glad you posted about this. I loved hearing about your journey. Yay, enjoy your new freedom!