Monday, August 26, 2013

1 Year

Well, my babes turned the big one! Being their mama I am having some mixed emotions about the whole thing. They have both come so far and have learned so much. That goes for me too! I am pretty sure they have taught me more in the past year then I have taught them.

Little Lottie...
- Laughs, giggles, smiles all the time!
- Crawls up on anything she can
- Claps her hands
- Is shy around new people
- Loves binkies
- Finally has 2 bottom teeth

- Likes to spin circles on his bum
- Loves to get into cupboards and drawers
- Adores soft things, especially his blanket
- Is a sweet cuddly boy
- Loves being outside
- Has 8 teeth

The Babes...
- Cruise the furniture like crazy
- Follow each other every where

They have changed so much!

We are having a birthday party for them this Sunday so that my family can come. That means yet more birthday pictures. Really, I am not obsessed. But, here are some of the cake smash we had on their actually birthday. They came out grainy, but what can you do?

And this picture was just too funny not to share. I mean really, look at that face!

We love you you babies and can't wait for many many birthdays with you!

1 comment:

Ellen Davenport said...

By the way, I love that you did a separate cake smash photoshoot. Then you don't have to worry at the partytimes about getting the shots you want. I think they turned out adorable!