Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's Our Christmas Tree!!!

So since this is Alex's and mine first Christmas together we have been slowly collecting Christmas decorations. It has been really fun getting them all and picking them out.

The last thing to get was our tree! We went Christmas tree hunting the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Now all we had to do was decorate it! Alex and I did it last night for FHE. We went and got eggnog and made red rice krispy treats to eat while we decorated. Yes it is quite the Charlie Brown tree, but what can ya do with limited space??? It was way fun decorating our first Christmas tree!

We also hung lights around our windows. That was a pretty exciting experience. We found out that the only outlet that could reach the lights was the one behind our bed. Our bed is HEAVY! It is a king sized water bed turned into regular bed with a big fatty head board on it. I had to crawl under the headboard to plug in the lights, but I ended up unplugging the wrong thing, so we had to move the whole bed to plug it back in. An hour of taking the bed apart, putting it back together, and then finally plugging the lights in later we were done. Anyway, Alex and I are really excited for our first Christmas!!! We are both looking forward to the Christmas break too. Only a couple more weeks of school. Ya!

1 comment:

Ellen Davenport said...

I love you tree Shila. Way to be in the Christmas spirit.