Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yes a week late, but the 4th of July!

So we had a really great Fourth of July! It was really nice because both Alex and I had school and work off on Thursday and Friday. So we went up to Alex's parent's house starting on Thursday and helped them start to rebuild their shed which got blow over in the big wind storm about a month ago. So it started out like this:

and ended like this:

Still a ways to go, but it is coming along. So that is pretty much we did on Thursday, Friday, and some of Saturday. We did go to the Ashton parade on the fourth. Here are some of our favorite things from the parade. Of course Smokey the Bear:

This is like the only actual float in the whole parade and it was freakin' awsome! It was really big and sparkly:

Then this one is really cool! You have to click on it to make it bigger for the full effect. It is from Baxter's Funeral Home. It is a guy pulling a glass box with a coffin in it. Alex says that they still use it sometimes for the older people that die. It was soooooooo cool!

Then we went down to Idaho Falls and met my sister, her husband, my brother, and a girl that he brought to watch the fireworks. So we went like four hours early and staked out our spot, played games, and just talked. We were really ready for the fireworks to start. So they finally did and we come to find they are being set off right behind a tree. So we couldn't see anything! So we just had to move even though we had been there ready for four hours! But they were really cool. We spent the night at my parents house because we were having my dad's birthday party the next day. So we had a really fun fourth of July weekend!


Alesha said...

Okay, so Adam's uncle is Mr. Baxter of Baxter's funeral home, but we had no idea about the nifty horse-drawn hearse...good in-law information. I'm glad your Independence day was fun, and I will see you soon!

Chad and Elizabeth said...

I miss so much watching the fireworks in IF! I miss all of my old roomies too :) Glad to hear you had fun!

lynda said...

Thanks for all your help guys on the shed and yard. You worked hard!! So how is Alesha related to the Baxter's? We love Mr. Baxter the Dad and music teacher!!
Love ya, MOM