Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Looks Can be Deceiving

Wow it has been a CRAZY past few weeks. Here is a quick (kinda long) overview of what we have been up to!

Alex graduated!!! He worked so hard and graduated in the top ten percent!

We had a party for him that following Sunday with our families. This is the cake that I made for him. My first experience making and using fondant, but it was fun and I think it came out nice.

Here are some things that we did before we left good old Rexburg:

We went to IHOP. Yes I know you can totally tell where we are from the picture.

I had never been to the Teton Dam (ya lived almost my entire life here and never been) so we took a drive up there.

Tried to go to the temple one more time, but it was closed for cleaning so took pictures instead.

Now the big, stressful event of the past month:
Moving from our old apartment into our . . .

... new apartment.
Just a bunch of boxes and looks pretty much the same uh?

Here's just a couple of the pictures from our new apartment once we got all unpacked...

This is why looks can be deceiving . . .

That is Zoey and she is our new dog! Doesn't she look crazy! We got her from the pound, we aren't sure of her story, but she is the sweetest dog ever. Looking back on that picture it is a wonder why me and Alex and adopted her!

She is a miniature poodle and is around 7 years old. She has the worst breath that you could ever smell and she snores. But we love her! We got her groomed and had to do the whole vet thing with her and she looks a TON better! She has loads of personality and has a snagletooth! (You can probably see it in the picture on the bottom.) She loves to be wrapped up in blankets, cuddle, and she loves everyone! Zoey has brought a lot of happiness, peace, and comfort into our lives!

Since we have been in Boise we have been
doing a lot of driving around and trying to figure out where things are at. We walked downtown the other night, but did not cover all of it by far, so we will be doing that again. We have tried out a couple restaurants. There are sooooo many! We are waiting to do some of the stuff that costs money until I get a job. I have already had an interview and I have a second one tomorrow with the same school, so cross your fingers! We have enjoyed our time here so far. It has been a little boring at times, but as soon as we settle into a routine I am sure things with pick up. Alex starts school next Monday and he started his assistantship yesterday, so it has been up to me and Zoey to hold down the fort.

We miss our families! Alex and me were talking and since we have been married this is the longest that it has been with out seeing our families. Impressive or pathetic? Either way we are excited to go home and visit, this experience will great!


Chad and Elizabeth said...

Awesome! Your apartment looks so cute! Can you actually stand up in your shower? If yes then that's a plus! I love your little snaggletooth doggy! So cute! Hope everything continues to go great for you guys! Miss you!

Alesha said...

I love the new place! It looks really nice. Zoey will be a great addition. Now that you're settled into Boise and all, you are more than welcome to drop by here on your way to see family (not that you weren't welcome before, but, well--you know). I need to call and check up on you crazy kids one of these days.

Ellen Davenport said...

Hooray! You know I'm super happy you guys are in Boise now.
Also, I love the photo of the temple with the flowers, you could totally frame that. Beautiful!

Sean & Meagan said...

Awww! A fireplace and everything? That looks like so much fun! Have fun on your new adventure! Love your apt, dog, that cake was awesome (I'm going to start with fondent too!), and so much more fun stuff! P.S. love the picture of you and your dog sleeping. P.S.S. I think your sleep anywhere thing is contagious because I can do that now--even when I don't mean to!

Swainy Swainstons said...

I finally remembered to look your blog up! I'm so glad that things worked out so well for you. I just have to say that your cake was amazing! I really don't think I could do something like that. School started and I miss you TONS! I don't even have an aide this year and I need one. Maybe you can come back this way sometime in the future. :) Enjoy Boise.