Sunday, October 17, 2010


Yes I know it has been a VERY long time! We don't have the internet in our apartment and I never really have the opportunity to use the computer. So this blog will be lots of pictures and just a little of telling what it is. First an update on what's going on with us. We love it here in Boise! It is great! We do miss being close to our families, but we are getting used to it. Alex is doing great with school! He is working really hard. He is really busy with homework, classes, and work. Alex has a couple of interviews this week for jobs after he graduates. I am so excited for him! I did get the job that I interviewed for. I teach the two year olds. It is sometimes very stressful, but I really enjoy it.

Zoey is doing great! Still as crazy as ever!

I had had a really stressful day at work one week and then that Friday Alex surprised me by sending me flowers at work! It was a very pleasant surprise! He is so thoughtful!

There is this place called Table Rock that Ellen and Stodd showed us how to get to. You can see all of Boise from there. It is really cool!

We went to the Rose Gardens. They were so pretty!

More fun with Ellen and Stodd! We went apple picking! It was a you pick apple orchard. They gave us baskets and a wagon to pull our baskets around on. It was super fun!


1 comment:

Sean & Meagan said...

Can I just say that I am so happy that bangs finally turned out for you! They way they look now is how they were intended to look, but you found someone who could actually do it! Yay!!!