Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catch Up Time

To start out with exciting news . . . Alex got a job! It is back home and he starts July 11th. It is with this really great accounting firm. It sounds like they have a variety of things that Alex will be able to do. Which I really like because it sounds like Alex won't get bored. We are so excited to move back home and be with family again. But, we are also sad to leave Boise, we really like it here. So Alex will be finishing this semester and then finishing up his last two classes and we will then move home the end of June. We are super happy!

A while back we went to the State Capitol with Ellen and Stodd. Neither Alex or I had ever been. It was really pretty with all the marble. It actually reminded me of temple.

Here me and Ellen decided to have our own war at the Capitol.

My sister and brother in law came out to visit with Makinlee. Isn't she the cutest??? I love the gap in between her teeth. Brittany tried to put gel in her hair to see if it would go curly, that is why it is standing straight up.

When Alex's brother and his wife came to see us we went to hockey game. It was really fun! We didn't really know the rules or anything of the game, but it was pretty awesome. A fight even broke out in between the players.

Ya, I got a front row seat.


Here are the cupcakes that I made for the cake auction that the young women and men put on. This is my first attempt at decorating cupcakes, hopefully you can tell what they are supposed to be. Yes, I am in the Young Women's presidency and I love it! Alex is the Ward Executive Secretary. We both really like our callings are are kinda sad to leave them!

One of the best things that we have found in Boise is the Ben and Jerry's store! Yes the ice cream is much expensive than at a place like Winco or Walmart, but we had a gift certificate there so it was awesome! My favorite is Phish Food! I also like Smores and Half Baked though. So yummy!

1 comment:

Sean & Meagan said...

Hey!!! That's so cool that Alex got a job! You guys seem like you are doing really good! I am so happy for you! What is your calling in YW? I bet the girls just L-O-V-E you! I am in YW too. I work with the Beehives and I LOVE it! So have you started packing yet? Man! Super excited for you! Miss you so much! When are you taking a vacation to Florida again? :)