Saturday, March 31, 2012


This really is a magic trick! After several years of trying and many different procedures we found a way to finally start our family. And boy do we feel blessed!

OH, by the way. Did I mention it is TWINS?!

Yep, we are very grateful and truly blessed!!!


Ellen Davenport said...

Yay! Love these pics! I was just about to ask if you were showing. Beautiful!

Meagan said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I love it Shila-la!!!! So happy for you! Your tummy is so cute! Your hair is so cute! Love you girl!

Ryan and Brittany said...

Yay!!! I am so excited for you Shila. I am so sorry you had to go through the waiting process but it will be so worth it when you have your sweet little babies! You look adorable. Hope you are feeling ok! Congrats!

Jenn said...

Shila I am so happy for you!! Congratulations!!

Beth said...

So happy for you Shila :)

Michael and Rebecca Bates said...

Congrats! I have been waiting to hear this exciting news!! And twins!! Double the fun!! Congrats! Now you will have to update your blog more often!!