Wednesday, June 13, 2012


The babies are doing great! We found out at week 20 that we are having a boy and a girl! Their names are Hudson Carl and Charlotte Rose. Carl is Alex's dad's middle name and his Grandpa's name. Rose is after me and my Grandma. At our week 20 ultra sound they were both measuring right on schedule! We have another ultra sound next week. They change so much in such a little amount of time. They are moving around a lot! I can usually tell which one is kicking now. They both like to hang out on my right side, so I am usually lop sided. Ha ha. I have been feeling actually really good. I haven't gotten any stretch marks this far, but I am sure they are to come. I don't like to eat big chunks of meat like hamburgers or things like that. That is my only real food aversion. I get tired really fast, but I am walking on the days that I don't work to hopefully help keep my energy up. My emotions have only been out of whack a few times where I have cried or been mad for no reason. All in all I LOVE being pregnant! Alex and I can't wait to meet these little babies! 


Cara Dickerson said...

Sheela! You look so cute! I'm soooo excited! I love your names and I love that you are having two! Extra blessing for all the work and time you guys have put in! Can't wait for tons more prego pix!

Tad cannot get over the fact that in this picture your hair looks red. He won't believe me that cutting you hair is one thing, but completely dying it red? That could never be Shila!

Love the new home and congrats on your brother getting home!

Alex and Shila said...

No I didn't dye my hair. For some reason when I edited the picture it turned all of me kinda red ha ha. I don't think I will ever be that brave!