Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 27


My belly is expanding more and more. I am feeling the babies so much! It is amazing! They have kind of shifted in my belly so I think I know which one is which, but it is hard to tell. I just had another appointment yesterday and it went really well. Charlotte's heartbeat was 145 and Hudson's was 150. It took the nurses quite a while to find the heartbeats because they were moving around so much. I have another ultra sound next week. I love the ultra sounds, I love seeing them move around. I have figured out how I am going to do the nursery, or I guess I should say how Alex is going to do the nursery. Ha ha. I can't believe how blessed Alex and I are to be having these babies. I am so grateful for the opportunity to become a mom and raise these babies with Alex!


Ellen Davenport said...

Every time I see these I wish we lived closer! I LOVE it! I can't wait to see your nursery. From your pins on pinterest I can tell its gonna be adorable. Oh were so so happy for you guys.

Ellen Davenport said...

Oh and I love their names!