Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our 4th of July

We spent most of the day with  my sister, husband, and kids. (Brittany, Devan, MaKinlee, and Emmett) They first came over to our house to help Alex work on the yard. We are getting ready to plant grass and the weeds had kind of gotten out of control. So Alex and Devan worked very hard getting it all cleaned out. Then we went over to Brittany's house to help them work on their yard. After the yard work was done we had a little barbeque.

I was trying to show the before and after in this picture, but it doesn't really do it justice. Ha ha.

Here is baby Emmet! He was crossing his eyes and I was trying to get a picture of it. Isn't he a chunk!?

Little MaKinlee in her 4th of July outfit.

This sounds funny, but I got Alex a BSU gnome for Father's Day and it finally came!

Then Alex and I went to the fireworks that night for a little while.


Sean & Meagan said...

You are so prego and so cute!

Cara Dickerson said...

Oh Shila, sooo cute! Love prego, Sheela! I can't imagine your tummy being able to get any bigger, but I'm excited to keep seeing the updates!