Friday, September 21, 2012

1 Month

The babies are 1 month today! I took some pictures of them since we can't take them out yet. I am not a photographer, but what can you do?

Hudson is 5 lbs 13 oz. He loves to cuddle with everyone! He always has a mad face on, even when he is not mad. He also likes to lie on his stomach.

 Charlotte is 5lbs 12 oz. She has big beautiful eyes, when she opens them that is. She loves to sleep! She hardly ever complains and is always happy!


NorainIdaho said...

Fantastic photos! Would have loved to take the breaking them out family pic:)

Tina Crowther said...

I just looked through all your posts with the babies! SO ADORABLE!!! I'm so glad everything turned out well, and they're home and growing! P.S. your pictures look awesome!