Tuesday, January 22, 2013

5 Months

Lottie Dottie...
- Thinks it is cool to put her fingers in your mouth when you are talking to her
- Is starting to become quite the little diva, has her own opinion of how things should work
- Just starting to wear 0-3 month clothes
- Takes her binky out and can sometimes get it back in her mouth

Chunky Monkey...
- Loves his rattle!
- Smiles all the time (I am so glad he isn't cranky anymore)
- Is still in 0-3 but is moving up soon
- Rolled over a few times, but has now forgotten how to do it ha ha

Standing up in their cribs is something that they think is so fun. Lottie still needs help steadying herself just because she likes to look everywhere and at everything! This is Hudson's "I am totally awesome" face. He is so proud of himself when he stands.


 I may be biased, but seriously, these may be the most beautiful babies of all time! We love them so much!


Unknown said...

These are really cute kids, we can see just why you think they are the cutest ever. The Diva has a killer smile and her brother is going to be a hunk.

Ashley said...

Shila, they are SO cute! Crazy how they grow up so fast?! We should have a play date soon with our babies :)