Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Baths, Valentines, and Mommy Time

I realized a few weeks ago that I had zero pictures of the babies in the bath. They love bath time and splashing in the water.

I snapped some Valentine's pictures of the babes. Lottie was pretty happy about it, but Hudson was just chill and relaxing.

Alex is in the middle of tax season so that means 65+ hour work weeks for him and being a single parent for me. Yeah! (Can you hear the sarcasm?)  We try to make the best of it by staying busy and looking forward to the end of April ha ha. Today I decided to take some pics of me and the babes. I get so camera happy of just the babies and thought it would be nice to have some of them and their Mama!

This is what happens when I try to lay on the floor and take pictures of all of us together. Hudson's hand in the face, Lottie pulling my hair (can't see that in the picture), and an open invitation for Zoey to come stand on me and try to lick me in the mouth.   

Ha ha, I really do love this picture! I think this is the greatest picture to illustrate what real life is like. I try to control so much and end up stressing myself out over things that don' matter. I was listening to a talk to by Elder Scott this morning. He said something to the effect that a sense of humor is a necessary thing in life. Well, here's to a new, unperfect, humorous start!

1 comment:

Ellen Davenport said...

I loved this post! Seriously Shila, I am so glad we are coming to visit so soon, I am dying to see you all. The babes are perfect! And you should be camera happy, that's the best! But my favorite favorite part was that last picture! So funny! You are a great mama. Love you friend!