Wednesday, March 20, 2013

7 Months

Wowza! The babes are now closer to being a year old then to when they were born!

Little Lottie...
- Sits all by herself as of yesterday
- Loves to talk to Hudson (even though most of the time he ignores her ha)
- Still wears 0-3 clothes
- Likes to stick her tongue out
- Wants to put everything in her mouth

Chunk a Chunk ...
- Sits all by himself
- Since figuring out sitting he wants to stand all the time
- Remembers how to roll from tummy to back ha
- Wears 3-6 clothes
- Likes to do a happy scream

The Babes...
- Like drinking from their sippys
- Like squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples. Not so much green beans.

It is getting harder and harder to get a picture of the two them together that isn't fuzzy, both of them are looking at the camera, or both of them have a half decent look on their face. They are getting crazy!

I LOVE this picture!

Yep, they share EVERYTHING!

First stroll outside and they loved it.

They think Zoey is kinda awesome.

Oh how we love these beautiful babies!


Ashley said...

They are SO cute!!! We need to have a play date soon!

Ellen Davenport said...

Oh glad that they are liking the solid foods now!