Friday, March 1, 2013

6 Months!

This post is about a week late, but I guess better late than never!

Little Lottie...
- is our smily little girl
- has learned how to blow raspberries
- rolls from her tummy to back and sometimes from her back to her belly
- loves playing with her feet
- her favorite song is "The Bumble Bee Song"
- is in 0-3 size clothes

- loves to sit up (with help)
- his favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
- wears 3-6 month clothes
- is still mastering rolling from his tummy to back
- hoos like an owl
- loves to be cuddled and held

The Babes...
- love to be read to and look at the pictures
- are still acquiring the taste for rice cereal (it has been a week)



1 comment:

Ellen Davenport said...

Ahh, so good to see them so smiley!
I love that you do these simple updates, just perfect. I love the one of Hudson eating his dino. : ) Loves from Auntie Ell!