Tuesday, April 23, 2013

8 Months

The babes are now 8 months and they have learned a lot this month!

Lottie ...
- Gives kisses! Big wet ones!
- Melts your heart with her smile
- LOVES baby food. She eats anything!
- Likes to sneeze ... it makes her giggle
- Has a loud happy scream
- Is turning her body while on her belly

Chunky ...
- Likes hitting his toys on the floor
- Is so loving. When he looks at you, you know he loves you
- Had his first ear infection and is allergic to amoxicillion
- Loves playing with his tongue
- Tries to pull himself up on his bumper
- Had his first hair cut

The Babes ...
- Can hold their own bottles ... when they aren't being lazy or too distracted
- Travel really well. (We took a trip to Boise. More to come on that)

Lottie attacks the food and doesn't like waiting for more.

It has been a little more of a process with Hudson, but he is doing better and better.

He thought the clippers were pretty great until I turned them on. Towards the end he stopped crying ha ha.

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