Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We planned a trip to Boise for when tax season was over. We stayed with our friends Ellen, Stodd, and Spud (Their dog, so cute!) They were the best hosts ever and completely spoiled us! I ended up not taking any pictures until like the last day we were there, but it was a great relaxing trip. We drove over Thursday night after the babies last feed so they would sleep the whole drive. On Friday we got up and it was a little rainy so we went to the mall and outlet malls. Alex and I have also been looking for a bigger car and looked around the dealerships for a while.

On Saturday we went to the famous Farmer's Market. They always have great food samples and things to look at.

We did end up finding us a new ride on Saturday too. It was sad to see our little car go, but all the room in our new one will be awesome!

Thanks again Ellen and Stodd! The weekend was perfect!

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