Monday, May 27, 2013

9 Months

 Little Lottie...
- Army mans it ALL over
- Said "Mama"
- Learning how to wave "Hi"
- Favorite spot to be is under the jumper

- Has his two bottom teeth
- Pulling himself up
- LOVES to click his tongue
- Likes to take toys away from Lottie

Crazy Hair
First Teeth
The Babes...
-Like to feed themselves
- Are interacting more and more with eachother

These are the ADORABLE pictures we got of them. Lottie was a little under the weather, but they still turned out great!



Ellen Davenport said...

I love love love the second close up shirt and tie one of Hudson! And the crazy hair one of Lottie! More and more adorable every day kiddos!

Ashley said...

Super cute kiddos, you have! We and the babes should go to the zoo this next week :) Also, where did you get Hudson's white shirt and tie? He looked so handsome!

Alex and Shila said...

I got his shirt from kohls and I made his tie. I actually did it all myself so it had to be easy!

Bailey Family Missionaries said...

Very adorable. Love all the pics!

Ashley said...

I guess I will be making a stop at Kohls sometime soon, then! And seriously, we need to have a playdate soon. I haven't seen you in ages!