Friday, May 10, 2013


Here is a quick review at what we have been up to.

We took the babes swimming at Green Canyon. They loved it! Lottie giggled when we had her float on her back and Hudson loved lounging in his floatie.

Alex got attacked by Emmett. Not really, but by the teeth marks Emmett left in Alex's forehead you would think so.

My parents bought the babes these outfits when they found out we were pregnant. They are size 0-3 and just barely fitting into them!

Me, the babes, my sister, her kids, and my mom made a spur of a moment trip down to Utah. It was just a day trip down and back to a machine quilt show. They was some impressive work! So 3 adults and 4 kids 3 and under made the trek. The kids were actually amazingly good the whole time.

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