Monday, June 2, 2014


I am a few weeks behind, but here are some bump pictures.

I couldn't get my pictures off of my phone, but we are having a GIRL! I had been planning and thinking it was a boy forever. I was way shocked to find out it was a girl, but I am so excited! We don't have a middle name picked out yet, but her first name will be Hazel. I have some fun ideas for her nursery, now I just have to find time to get started.

I am just over 21 weeks now. I had the big ultra sound appointment today. Hazel is measuring right on track and looking very healthy. I am still loving the juicy, crunchy fruits like apples and watermelon. Unfortunately, I will eat anything that sounds good at the time. No self control ha ha. I am the most hungry at lunch time. I feel good, just need more sleep then usual and getting used to the extra belly. Alex got to feel Hazel for the first time about a week ago. She is starting to push out on me and make things a little uncomfortable, so I have to change positions. It is going so fast. I hope that Hudson and Lottie love her and adjust well to her. I love where we are at in our lives with Hudson and Lottie. They have such fun personalities and are learning so much. It is bittersweet for me to throw in another baby. I am so excited to have her, but sad it won't just be just the four of us. I know once she gets here it will feel like we always had her, just a change. Pretty sure that Hudson and Lottie will be the best big siblings ever though. They have me pull up my shirt so that they can pat my belly. I tell them Hazel is in there and they try to say her name. So sweet!

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