Monday, June 23, 2014

Pregnancy Update

 These weeks are going by so fast. Hazel is going to be here before we know and I haven't even started on her room! I feel bad not having any pictures of the babes to show. I mostly take pictures of them on my phone now because it is so easy, but I haven't figured out how to get them on the computer yet.

I have been feeling pretty much the same. Hazel is moving around a lot more. Her favorite time is when I lay down to go to bed. Thankfully she doesn't keep my up. It is more like she is getting comfortable, then she goes to sleep. My belly button is getting flatter and flatter, pretty soon it I won't have one. My belly is definitely starting to stretch and itch.


Kate said...

I have the Google+ app on my iPhone, which uploads my photos online and then Blogger lets you import them from there onto your blog post (It's the option for uploading photos from your phone).

Ellen Davenport said...

You look so great! Yay!

Alex and Shila said...

Thanks so much I had no clue!