Sunday, June 27, 2010

So blessed

Well we have been super busy and time is flying by! At the beginning of June we went to West Yellowstone and went through the park. It was really fun! We say lots of buffalo, some elk, one wolf, and of course lots of birds. When we were at the paint pots this herd of buffalo were walking over the bridge so we were way close to them! The babies were soooooooo cute.

Then of course we had to go see Old Faithful. We got there like 30 minutes before it was suppose to go off so we wandered around and then found a spot to watch it. While were waiting it started to rain a little. Don't worry we were prepared and brought an umbrella. So Alex asked me if I wanted it. I said sure. So he got it out and opened it up. Well when he did that it popped open and hit me in the face! The people behind us started to laugh, it was really funny!

We have also gone camping a couple times. The first time we went with Alex's family. We camped out by the sand dunes and rode 4-wheelers, borrowed a razor, and made some yummy smores! We also just got back from the Heiner Family reunion. We went over to Alex's grandparents house in Wyoming and camped out there. We helped clean some stuff up around there since his grandparents now live here in Idaho. It was nice to see the family and just relax.

Things are really going by fast around here and things are starting to come together. We have felt so blessed lately and are so grateful. To name just a few things Alex got a graduate assistanship at Boise State. This is going to get us free tuition and get paid on top of that! Alex will work with the Accountant teachers doing various things. It's a good thing Alex is such a hard worker! We also just got called by the apartment complex that we wanted to get into and we now have an apartment! All the paperwork is in and we are good to go! We will be moving into our new apartment on August 7th. The end of the semester is only 4 weeks away. That means only 4 weeks until Alex graduates. It is so crazy and we are both really excited!

We are so glad that we made the decision to move to Boise. We know this is the right place for us to go and are so grateful for all the blessings that we have been given.

1 comment:

Cara Dickerson said...

Yeah for you guys! Congrats on everything working out. Miss you guys! Let's do something before you leave! By the way, love the umbrella story!! Hehehe!